Enevelde - Gravgang (Tape)

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Lieferzeit: 3 - 5 Tage

Artikelnummer: VOICE-125MC
Katalog-Nr.: voice125mc
Nidrosian Black Metal


  • 8 paged J-card with lyrics, info and impressions
  • Black cassette

ENEVELDE - Gravgang

While we eagerly await the second album from ENEVELDE, which is already recorded and finished, B.Kråbøl wrote, performed and recorded a lengthy EP on his own in one weekend. The result? Simply fantastic. More downthrodden and dark, hypnotic, minimalistic and ugly, yet still Enevelde through and through. With vocals to die for(to?), Kråbøl yet again proves his talents. Entitled ‘Gravgang’, this is definitively not a jolly ride, quite the contrary.
March into darkness accompanied by Eneveldes hymns, which will be the final release by Terratur Possessions 2021.

With todays sickening vinyl delays, we decided to release this on tape and digital for now, and the CD/Vinyl version will be out with the new album late next year.

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