Linekraft - Apocalypse Factory (jewelCD)

12,50 €

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Lieferzeit: 3 - 5 Tage

Artikelnummer: VAN-200240
Katalog-Nr.: aussaat004
Noise / Industrial


While rumors of new sonic weapons of terror on the German territory are getting more and more insistent, new documents tend to prove a German-Japanese connection in the field of sound warfare.

Accordingly to official leakages, the "Apocalypse Factory" project is the result of a joint venture between the powerful corporation Aussaat, leader on the market of domestical hardcore, and the Linekraft Institute, ruled by the extreme-noise activist Masahiko Okubo.

The resulting effects of such kind of aggressive sounds through acoustic devices such as Hi-Fi system or audio headsets should constitute a blatant violation of the Merzbow- O'Ridge agreements which restricts the use of noise to industrial and space music, with an accompaniment of at least 60% of FM synthesis waves.

Recent examinations of data by state-of-the-art neural networks have highlighted stochastic bursts of undeciphered subliminal messages within the 16 kHz-18 kHz range, a frequency bandwidth to which the adolescent consumer's auditory system is especially vulnerable.

The threat was deemed to be severe enough to draw the attention of the MPI for Empirical Aesthetics in Frankfurt.

Dr.-Ing. Siegmar Fricke, pioneer of granular healing for aural dysfunctions, considers the situation as "particularly serious".

Professor Okubo argued in response that "music is for herbivores" and promised to "kick the sh*t out of your ears".

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