Svabhavat - Black Mirror Reflection (Tape)

9,00 €

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Lieferzeit: 3 - 5 Tage

Artikelnummer: VAN-201332
Katalog-Nr.: eter074
Black Metal


  • Pro-tape
  • Black tape
  • Limited to 200 handnumbered copies

Svabhavat are a brand-new entity hailing from the Pacific Northwest. A duo, they describe their music as "Ritualistic Necromancy Black Metal," and indeed is that demi-tag apt: across the band's Black Mirror Reflection debut, one will find the refreshingly old stench of archetypal Darkthrone, Mayhem, and especially Katharsis. No elegiac odes to the Cascadians or sun-drenched bliss masquerading as "black metal" here; Svabhavat offer nothing but cold 'n' cruel intensity, violently at odds with their region's reigning paradigm.

Artikelgewicht: 0,10 Kg